Eyes on the Street: Irvine’s New Curb-Protected Bike Lanes
The city of Irvine's new curb-protected bike lanes extend 1.25 miles on Cadence from Radial to Chinon
Oh Oakland, Did You Really Leave a Telephone Pole in a Bike Lane?
No, this isn't photoshopped.
Santa Monica Reduces Speed Limits Throughout City
Thirty city streets will see changes in their posted speed limits - one of which will be an increase.
Eyes on the Street: OC Streetcar Construction Progress
Orange County streetcar construction is progressing, especially with recent installation of overhead wires. OCTA's 4-mile light rail line is expected to open in 2025.
Interview with Culver City Councilmember-Elect Bubba Fish
"I'm an advocate at heart who has been entrusted with the honor of a lifetime to represent my city on City Council."
Eyes on the Street: Horton Street Awesomeness
Emeryville's Horton Street sidewalk-level bike lane taking shape/almost completed. May we have some more please?
Metro Committee Approves Revoking $435K Culver City Grant due to Bike Lane Removal
Culver City recently removed protected bike lanes funded by a Metro Active Transportation grant, now Metro wants its money back
Open Letter: Berkeley Needs to Add Safety Measures Whenever it Repaves
Advocates in Berkeley demand action after a motorist kills yet another pedestrian on a street badly in need of safety improvements