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I Lost My Job at Caltrans for Speaking Out Against Highway Widening

My concerns were repeatedly brushed off by my bosses, who seemed more concerned about getting the next widening project underway than following the law

November 3, 2023

Metro Equity Assessments find Metro Freeway Widening Projects are Good for Low Income Communities of Color

Metro says its "Transportation infrastructure investments must be targeted toward those with the greatest mobility needs first" but a recent perfunctory Metro equity assessment report calls the agency's commitment to equity into question

October 30, 2023

More Than 60 Organizations Urge Governor Newsom to Intervene at Caltrans

California is still spending billions of dollars on highway and interchange expansions that increase reliance on driving, drain household budgets, and make traffic worse. Governor Newsom should step in.

October 17, 2023

Eight Things You Didn’t Know About Arroyo Fest

Arroyo Fest 2023 will take place Sunday October 29 starting at 7 a.m.

October 13, 2023

San Mateo County Continues 101 Widening

Despite all the evidence that induced demand is making things worse, the SMCTA will just keep digging its own hole

October 11, 2023

How to Support the Ambitious ‘Marina Central Park’ Freeway Removal Study

Marina Central Park would remove the three-mile-long, six-plus lane Marina Freeway (SR-90) and replace it with new housing, parks, bus rapid transit, and bikeways

October 9, 2023

California Spends Too Little on Environmentally Friendly Transportation Options

A new analysis from the Natural Resources Defense Council found that California allocates less than twenty percent of available transportation funding to low-carbon modes - despite climate and livability goals to increase walking, biking, and transit as modes of choice. At the same time, the state is still investing in highway expansion.

October 5, 2023

Caltrans Announces $300 Million “Super 605” Freeway Enhancement Project

The Super 605 project does not appear to expand or widen the freeway itself, but focuses on maintaining/rehabilitating the existing roadway.

October 5, 2023

Metro September 2023 Board Committee Round-Up: C Line, 91 Freeway Widening, and More

Transit ridership and freeway funding are up. $14 million for MicroTransit was postponed. South Bay C Line extension draws both controversy and support. Law enforcement, Taylor Swift, bus lanes, and more!

September 26, 2023

Metro Board Looks to Approve $65 Million for 91 Freeway Widening Projects

Metro staff are recommending the board approve funds to support two 91 Freeway expansion projects located in pollution-burdened communities in Southeast L.A. County - in the cities of Long Beach, Artesia, and Cerritos

September 20, 2023