Roger Rudick
Tenderloin School-Street Project Blocked by Parking
Officials talk about how important it is to provide open space for the kids of the Tenderloin. But then they block projects that might interfere with the political third rail of removing private car storage in the public realm.
BART Launches New Schedule
The longest headway will now drop from 30 minutes to 20 on any line at any time. Advocates say it's a good first step towards adapting to changed travel patterns in a post-COVID world
Study: Grand Ave. Road Diet Unlikely to Slow Buses, Even During Rush Hour
After objections from AC Transit that a road diet and wide, protected bike lanes on Grand Avenue would slow buses, Streetlight Data crunched the numbers.
A Little Girl is Dead. But OakDOT Director Still Won’t Commit to Safety
OakDOT's Fred Kelley told the grandmother of a four-year-old girl killed on Lakeshore that the city can't build protected bike lanes on the east side of Lake Merritt, even though they would have saved the girl's life.
‘Transbay the Hard Way’ Ride Underscores Lack of Bike Lane on Oakland Bay Bridge
It's still illegal to ride a bike between Treasure Island and downtown San Francisco on a bridge with ten lanes for motorists. But do tell us again how cyclists are privileged.
Labor Day Weekend Roundup: Protected Bike Lanes on 17th, More Juice for Caltrain
...and September is Transit Month
Commentary: SFMTA Needs to Tow Bike Lane Parkers
It wouldn't take a lot of tows to get people thinking more carefully about where they park.
Why are Unpaid Advocates so Much Faster than the City?
It's about the city's leadership, period
Streetsblog Fixes S.F. Mayor’s Statement on Child Killed by a Motorist at 4th and King
A four-year-old child died because of a reckless motorist and a dangerously designed intersection next to the Caltrain Station. But there are equally dangerous environments long ignored throughout the city.
Eyes on the Intersection: Quick Update on Telegraph
The Bay Area is getting closer to having its first protected bike lane AND intersection project in a merchant corridor completed. Despite what merchants feared, Armageddon has not yet commenced!