Joe Linton
Advocates Push Metro and L.A. City for a More Multimodal Vermont Avenue; HLA Compliance Challenged
Metro's too-modest Vermont Avenue bus plans don't appear to comply with Measure HLA Mobility Plan requirements. It's one of at least a half-dozen Metro projects that appear to clash with HLA/MP2035.
City Council Motion on Ending Automatic Road Widening at Public Works Committee
In 2023, L.A. City Council directed city departments to determine how to "eliminate spot road widenings." Public Works Department responded: keep widening roads.
Bikeway Briefs: Reseda, Mason, Avenue 51, and MANGo
Santa Monica's MANGo bikeway extension is now open, plus various bikeways around town get finished
Metro Ridership Keeps Growing; August Boardings Set Pandemic-Era Weekend Records
August and July weekday ridership saw the twenty-first and twenty-second months of year-over-year Metro ridership increases: nearly a million daily riders
Metro and Caltrans Planning to Widen 405 Freeway through Carson, Meetings this Week
Between Wilmington Avenue and Avalon Boulevard, Metro and Caltrans are looking to add four new freeway lane sections at a construction cost totaling at least $90-120 million
L.A. City Leaders Cut Ribbon on San Fernando Road Bike Path Extension
Ten miles of rail-with-trail walk/bike path are now open - from Sylmar to the Burbank Airport
Eyes on the Street: Crosswalk Upgrades in Glendale’s Adams Square
"Where we meet" is a series of art crosswalks designed by local artist Keith Knueven as part of the city of Glendale's Creative Crosswalks program
Metro and Caltrans 14 Freeway Expansion Project Meetings Delayed
Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat