- New bill would fast-track sustainable transportation (SF Chronicle)
- It makes economic sense to spend high speed rail money in the Central Valley (Air Quality Matters)
- Travel still down in Sacramento, Stockton region (Capital Public Radio)
- Gas tax is going up, on schedule, by 3 cents. Some look for excuses to freeze it (LA Times)
- BART opens San Jose extension (Santa Cruz Sentinel)
- Fixing the post-COVID commute (Grist)
- Corona Cycleways are a thing (NY Times)
- Data shows no connection between transit, virus spread (The Atlantic)
- Big gaps in data collection prevent understanding COVID's real impact on Black communities (Politico)
- Fifty years of the Clean Air Act (Resources)
- USDOT plans to send masks to transit agencies (Reuters)
- Lessons from the pandemic: Valuing public transportation (Planetizen)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF