This Saturday is The Tripping Point - a conference directed at building the complete streets movement in L.A., especially focusing on developing community-based advocacy for safer and better places for walking. The Tripping Point is hosted by Investing in Place, AARP California, Los Angeles Aging Advocacy Coalition, Los Angeles Walks, Pacoima Beautiful, and Tree People.
About The Tripping Point, Investing in Place Executive Director Jessica Meaney states:
Someone once told me there is no constituency for sidewalks, crosswalks and bus stops in Los Angeles - I think this couldn't be further from the truth. We know this constituency exists, but we haven't made our voices heard. [The Tripping Point] will change that.
The beginner-friendly conference is billed as:
a day of keynotes, interactive trainings, workshops, and networking with colleagues, friends, advocacy leaders, public agency staff, and elected officials' staff. With an incredible lineup of workshops and trainings, you’ll leave with the skills, tools, strategies, and insights that will take your advocacy to another level.
For too long, we've faced crumbling sidewalks; dangerous crosswalks for older adults, youth, and individuals with disabilities; missing bus shelters; and withering tree canopies lining our streets. These issues are magnified in low-income communities and communities of color throughout Los Angeles.
This year, L.A. has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to align significant streams of funding, like Measure M local return and Willits settlement funds, to solve these problems in neighborhoods and communities of need. Now is the time to learn how to effect change, who to ask for what, and when to make your voice heard.
Speakers include Los Angeles City Councilmember Nury Martinez and Deputy Mayor Barbara Romero. There will be workshops on sidewalk repair, crosswalks, bus shelters, neighborhood assessments, managing rainwater, community organizing, urban forestry, and more.
The Tripping Point will take place on Saturday, June 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Puente Learning Center at 501 S. Boyle Avenue in Boyle Heights. The location is a short walk south from the Metro Gold Line Mariachi Plaza Station. The conference is free. Lunch, Spanish-English translation, and childcare will be provided. Register now at splashthat. Deadline to register is Friday, June 9, at 10 a.m. Invite friends by sharing the Facebook event.