- Cheap gas ain't cheap (CityCommentary)
- CA Senate, Assembly transportation leaders release compromise funding plan (LA Times)
- Editorial: Passing climate change bill will benefit all Californians (Mercury News)
- More on cap-and-trade expenditure plan from Senate:
- It will benefit communities (EDF)
- And create jobs (MarketWired)
- TRIP report: Traffic, poor roads are costing you money. Left unsaid: So let's cut down on the driving (Equipment World)
- FOX gets it wrong, saying only “poor road conditions” cost you $3,000 a year
- National parks need to make it easier to visit them without a car (Mobility Lab)
- Affordable housing bill fails to find consensus, support; funding in limbo (SF Gate)(Merced Sun Star) (Sacramento Bee)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF