- Los Angeles launches bike-share (Streetsblog) (Patch) (LAist) (LA Times) (The Hour) (Merced Star)
- East Bay is going to get bike-share, too (East Bay Times)
- Promoting bicycling through creative design (Harvard School of Public Health)
- Cap-and-trade is working just fine (Mercury News)
- Suggestions for tightening cap-and-trade (Niskanen Center)
- Governor Brown is in direct talks with oil industry over climate policies (LA Times)
- New fuels industry: CA should stay the course on Low Carbon Fuels Standards (Mass Transit)
- London to make polluting vehicles pay (CityLab)
- SFBC starts a campaign to document cars parked in bike lanes (SFBC)
- In San Francisco, voters could be asked to weigh in on 39 ballot measures (SF Chronicle)
- SF plans to redesign sidewalks in Haight Ashbury (SF Examiner)
More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF