In spaces around the world, Park(ing) Day happens annually on the third Friday of September. Groups take over parking spaces, feed the meter, and create and occupy temporary parklets. It all draws attention to the potential for small urban spaces, and the high opportunity cost for turning over so much urban land to storing private automobiles.
SBLA made it out to four Park(ing) Day L.A. parklet sites last Friday. Below are some highlights.

#ParkingDay pop-up parklet on Colorado Blvd brought life and music to the street #ParkingDayLA #eaglerock
— Walk Eagle Rock (@walkeaglerock) September 20, 2015
See Streetsblog USA for a round-up of Park(ing) Day 2015 photos from around the country.
How were the other Park(ing) Day sites around Los Angeles? Tell everyone in the comments below.