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    • Fed report on California bus crash: other driver at fault, but we need to safer buses anyway (Orange County Register)
    • Police deploy 'bait bikes' on UC Berkeley campus; bike thefts down (Daily Californian)
    • San Francisco Chinatown: zoning battle brewing over co-work spaces (NextCity)
    • Wall Street Journal discovers classes in California where adults learn to ride bikes (Wall Street Journal)
    • Report: Nearly one third of Californians live in poverty (Sacramento Bee)
    • Natalie Angier on the Smithsonian bicycle exhibit (NY Times)
    • Crowdsourcing app could improve Denver sidewalks (Streetsblog Denver)
    • The cities that spend the most on bike lanes reap the most reward (CoExist)

More California headlines at Streetsblog LA and Streetsblog SF

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