Latest Pedestrian and Cyclist Fatality Stats Are Deadly Déja-Vu
America's minuscule dip in overall deaths is being offset by record-setting fatalities among the most vulnerable.
Now Is The Time To Speak Up For Safer Vehicles
Pedestrian deaths set a 41 year record in the U.S. last year. Here are five ways you can take action to stop the bloodshed right now.
Advocates React To the Feds’ Latest Offensive Bike Safety PSA
We wish we could celebrate true freedom — from terrible public service announcements from our government.
Pedestrian Deaths Set a Four-Decade Record in 2022 (Yes, Again)
2021 was the deadliest year on record for U.S. pedestrians since the early 80s — until 2022 topped it.
Why Regulators Are Ignoring 90% Of ‘Underride’ Crash Deaths — And Not Counting Vulnerable Road Users At All
Every year, hundreds of people die horrific deaths in underride crashes U.S. roads. But a new documentary says regulators aren't counting the vast majority of them — or mandating a simple technology to save their lives.
Feds Propose ‘Automatic Braking’ Rule — But It’s Not Strong Enough, Advocates Warn
An aggressive new federal safety rule would eventually require automakers to install on new cars technology that can detect pedestrians and stop crashes before they happen — but there remain several key flaws in the proposal, advocates and experts said.