bicycle infrastructure
Study: Some Paint-Only Bike Lanes May Increase Crashes
Sharrows and paint don't make anyone feel safe. But are they really worse than nothing at all?
Culver City Plans Protected Bikeway on Overland Avenue
Culver City's proposed ~2.5 mile Overland bike facility is mostly new protected bike lanes (about a mile and a half), plus about a half-mile of new unprotected bike lanes at the north end, and a short stretch of bike route at the south end
Eyes on the Bridge: the Gilman Bike/Ped Overpass
It's going to be great. But do bike and ped projects always have to include more capacity for cars?
Commentary: Biking in the Bay Area vs. Belgium
A San Francisco cyclist reflects on the interplay of infrastructure, dangerously over-sized cars and trucks, and American driver attitudes
Active Transportation Program Cycle 6 Funding Finalized
California Transportation Commission adopted its staff recommendation for 134 projects prioritized by nine regional governments throughout California
Tuesday’s Headlines
E-bikes are the future; Fullerton needs better infrastructure; How did SMART sidestep the fiscal cliff? We could fix things faster if we wanted; More
The 15 Best Arguments for Bike Boosters: Part Three
People for Bikes recently developed a a 15-point fact sheet to help counteract misconceptions that often arise when advocating for change, as well as to promote strategies we know work. Here's the third installment.
Mixed Results from L.A.’s ‘BLAST’ Bikeway Initiative
Initial program ends this month - of 24 projects announced, so far: Four sweet new bikeways, four traffic circles, and not much else
Commentary: The Shock of Returning to the Bay Area
For this lifelong advocate for better transit, safe streets, and livable cities, visiting the Netherlands isn't a shock--coming back is.