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Transportation Funding

Study: Subsidizing Transit Actually Makes It More Efficient

Generations of pundits have argued that operating subsidies enfeeble transit agencies and allow them to run inefficient routes with tons of empty seats. A new study says the opposite is true.

February 5, 2024

CTC Approves Controversial I-15 Expansion, After All

Commissioners had already made up their minds to approve, and cut short questions from Commissioner Joe Lyou to get it over with

February 3, 2024

Could This Bill Finally Give Transit Agencies the Operations Funding They Need?

Is it finally time for Congress to spend more to keep the buses and trains running?

February 1, 2024

Task Force Meets to Address the Future of California Transit

California's Transit Transformation Task Force must address a wide range of issues. Here are three that are crucial, from the perspective of one of the task force members.

January 4, 2024

What’s on Caltrans’s $16B Holiday SHOPP-ing List?

The $15.7 billion State Highway Operations and Protection Program is one of the state’s biggest infrastructure packages. But what’s really in the 599 projects?

December 21, 2023

Metropolitan Transportation Commission Preps Regional Transit Measure

Everybody wants to move forward with transit fare and schedule coordination... just don't talk about consolidating BART and Caltrain

December 21, 2023

Santa Monica Considers Transportation Funding Measure for November 2024 Ballot

Santa Monica is looking to tax paid parking structures (i.e. garages and paid lots) to fund transportation projects, including Vision Zero safety improvements and maintenance of the city's parking structures

December 19, 2023

Feds Award $3B for CA High-Speed Rail, and $3B for Vegas-to-LA HSR

"This show of support from the Biden-Harris Administration is a vote of confidence in today’s vision and comes at a critical turning point, providing the project new momentum.”

December 6, 2023

CAPTI Falls Short of its Climate Promise

The Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure (CAPTI) is meant to help decarbonize California’s transportation systems. But the state continues to devote the bulk of its transportation budget to projects that encourage car travel.

November 7, 2023