Two Calls to Action: Confirm Mike Chen to the SFMTA Board
Plus urge Governor Newsom to sign speed-chime bill into law
Speed Limit Assist Technology May Soon Be Required in California Cars
Safety advocates are excited about the passage of S.B. 961, a bill that would require all cars sold in California to include a system that warns drivers when they exceed a speed limit by ten miles an hour.
Here’s a Radical New Way to Cut Car Insurance Claims: Make the Damn Roads Safer
Reducing speeds doesn't just save lives — it also saves dollars.
Bill to Require Speed Control in Vehicles Goes Limp
Also passed yesterday were the Complete Streets bill, a bill on Bay Area transit funding, and a prohibition on state funding for Class III bikeways.
D.C. to Dangerous Drivers: We Will Slow You Down!
Dangerous drivers would be forced to slow down thanks to in-car technology under a first-in-the-nation bill that just passed in the Washington, D.C. City Council.
Commentary: Two More Traffic Horrors Underscore Why We Need Concrete Barrier ‘Speed Limiters’
The low-tech solution to ending reckless driving and traffic violence is all around us. What lacks is the political will to use it
S.F. Senator Scott Wiener Intros Bill to Limit/Cap Speeds of New Cars
Speed-governor bill S.B 961 would also require trucks to have safety guard rails. A companion bill, S.B. 960, would mandate Caltrans to build for safety The post S.F. Senator Scott Wiener intros Bill to Limit/Cap Speeds of New Cars appeared first on Streetsblog San Francisco.
Why So Many U.S. Drivers Think Speeding Is Perfectly Safe
Do Americans hit lethal speeds because they're in a rush, or because they have no idea that they're increasing their chances of death with every tick of the odometer?
L.A. Speed Camera Pilot, Metro Sepulveda Rail, and Crash Not Accident
More reasons to ridicule proposed Metro Sepulveda monorail. L.A. will officially use "crash" or "collision" instead of "accident." And L.A. starts laying the groundwork for a speed camera pilot.
Call to Action: Urge SFMTA to Install Speed Cameras Faster
A.B. 645, the speed camera bill, was signed into law earlier this month. Now SFMTA says it needs another year just to study where to put them.