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A Little Girl is Dead. But OakDOT Director Still Won’t Commit to Safety

OakDOT's Fred Kelley told the grandmother of a four-year-old girl killed on Lakeshore that the city can't build protected bike lanes on the east side of Lake Merritt, even though they would have saved the girl's life.

September 8, 2023

Senator Portantino’s Bike Conversion Is Paying Off for All

The legislation Portantino has written and championed since his recent conversion reflect what he's learned about safety and priorities on the streets.

September 7, 2023

Commentary: SFMTA Needs to Tow Bike Lane Parkers

It wouldn't take a lot of tows to get people thinking more carefully about where they park.

August 31, 2023

It’s 2023 and L.A. City Is Still Widening Lots of Roads

L.A. City street widening is expensive, and adversely impacts safety, health, climate, air, water, noise, housing, historic preservation, and more

August 25, 2023

It’s Safe to Ride Transit

BART ridership is still only at about forty percent of its pre-pandemic levels, and that media-fed perception of danger might be one factor in the slow recovery rate.

August 23, 2023

Eyes on the Intersection: Quick Update on Telegraph

The Bay Area is getting closer to having its first protected bike lane AND intersection project in a merchant corridor completed. Despite what merchants feared, Armageddon has not yet commenced!

August 22, 2023

Why Do We Love Cars More Than We Love Our Children?

The county spent $8.9M redoing Huntington Drive and didn't make it safe for bicycling. What if we had given up a lane to create a place for bicycles that is physically separated from all those speeding cars?

August 16, 2023

How Communities Can Fight Back Against Ever-Larger Cars and Trucks

What can cities do to stem the megacar crisis while the feds drag their feet?

August 9, 2023

Missing Metro Regional Connector First/Last Mile Facilities Worse Than Reported Earlier

Metro and LADOT quietly omitted and downgraded extensive bike and walk improvements approved and funded for Little Tokyo - in addition to omissions at Grand and Broadway stations

July 26, 2023