With a New Statewide Task Force, California Is Getting Real about Transit Transformation
Meeting California’s ambitious climate goals will require getting people out of cars and on to trains and buses. That shift could require as much as a five-fold to ten-fold increase in transit ridership above pre-COVID levels by 2045.
St. Charles Avenue Finally Gets its Curb Cut
It took years to get a simple curb cut done on a bike route between SF State and Daly City BART. It just shouldn't be this hard.
CalBike releases 2024 Bike Summit Agenda
The biannual Bike Summit will take place April 18-19 in San Diego, and it's packed.
Urbanists’ Doug Burgum Lovefest Shows the ‘Why’ Behind Our Advocacy
I am far less interested in talking about Gov. Doug Burgum's politics than talking about his values, and how those values shape his urbanism, and thus the actual lives of the people he governs.
Safety Activists Close a Lane on Franklin
Advocates, fed up with SFMTA's lack of action, closed one lane on one block outside Sherman Elementary. But the city that claims to never have resources to build safe streets turned it back into a surface-level freeway later the same morning
Superhero of Safer 17th
Streetsblog talks with Peter Belden, an independent advocate who helped lead the effort for a safer 17th
Peter Flax: ‘Cyclist Strength Comes from Unity’
The writer's new book, "Live to Ride: Finding Joy and Meaning on a Bicycle," is a broad look at bike riding with one common theme: we must come together.
CalBike Summit Preview: Complete Streets with Senator Scott Wiener
Register for the Bike Summit soon - but first, here's a preview session
The Long Journey to the Groundbreaking of Oakland’s 14th Street Protected Bikeway
Moving forward, these projects have to happen faster — lives literally depend on it