Good Riddance to Chevron
In Chevron's absence, California can pursue sustainability goals--locally and globally--even more enthusiastically. It can speed the adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy (which, on a good day, sometimes accounts for more than 100% of the state's energy).
Tuesday’s Headlines
Mostly Good Leg. Session, Watered Down Safety in SF, Bad SANDAG, New HSR Renderings for High Desert connection, more...
Turn and Face the Strange Ch-ch-changes: Observations and Recommendations from a Week Without Driving
I used my age-appropriate tricycle and quickly discovered that a line on the side of the street is not adequate to let me feel safe riding on a moderately busy street.
Monday’s Headlines
US Supremes Side with Uber/Lyft Over State in Labor Dispute, Saturday was a Bad Day for BART, Caltrans Adding Bike Lanes to "Busy Friars Road" in SD, Erosion Threatens Beach in Encinitas, More...
Week Without Driving Day 4: Too Much Magic Bus
The Santa Rosa City Bus clearly prioritizes customer care, excellent service, and friendliness.
Advocates Push Metro and L.A. City for a More Multimodal Vermont Avenue; HLA Compliance Challenged
Metro's too-modest Vermont Avenue bus plans don't appear to comply with Measure HLA Mobility Plan requirements. It's one of at least a half-dozen Metro projects that appear to clash with HLA/MP2035.