Bicycle and safe-streets advocate Paul Valdez put this back on our radar--the Sansome/Sutter/Market intersection remains a deathtrap of buses, bikes, trucks, and pedestrians, all vying for space. But, as the headline indicates, he's got a proposed solution. Or at least part of one: a jug-handle, which is a bit of curb and some paint that gives cyclists a refuge when they are waiting to turn (see second-to-last picture).
This is the location where Mark Heryer was killed while biking in 2015. Streetsblog also covered an incident here in 2016, when a taxi cab jumped up onto the sidewalk, seriously injuring two people. Many other collisions of varying severity have continued in the meantime.
Valdez shot two short videos (in addition to the lead photo) and uploaded them to twitter to give people a sense of the crazy conditions:
Another perspective. People biking are forced to impede on the pedestrian space and wait on the sidewalk for safety. @StreetsblogSF
— Paul Valdez 🚲🏳️🌈 (@paulvaldezsf) August 5, 2019
And this isn't just about bikes. "For the 500,000 people who walk on Market Street every day, the crosswalks are where they are at serious risk," wrote Jodie Medeiros, Executive Director of Walk San Francisco, in an email about the intersection.
"It is part of our High Injury Network and we are looking into 'quick-build projects' that can make the area safer," wrote Ben Barnett, Media Relations Officer for SFMTA. "My main mode of transportation is by bicycle, so I do share your concern about the Market Street corridor."
Quick build? It's been four years since Heryer's death. The Better Market Street plan is moving slowly forward, which will eventually provide a separated facility for cyclists in addition to banning private automobiles from Market. But in the meantime, more people will be injured--or killed--if something isn't figured out.
"We desperately need a ‘jug-handle’ at Market/Sansome/Sutter NOW. I think I am going to take action and protect people biking myself," wrote Valdez on twitter. In the exchange, other advocates are also discussing guerrilla action. "Hit me up with any urban tactical solutions you might have," wrote another advocate.
"With the exception of my fellow safe streets advocates, no one else at a higher level has responded about this dangerous intersection where people biking have no safe place to wait to cross Market to Sansome and Sutter. Help me @StreetsblogSF, you're my only hope!" wrote Valdez on twitter.
We're trying.
And so is Walk San Francisco, which wants to implement aspects of the Better Market Street plan as soon as possible. "We're excited about the Market Street EIR being done in October so we can get all private vehicles off Market Street before the end of the year!" wrote Medeiros.
Meanwhile, you can make yourself heard at the city's next Bicycle Advisory Committee, Monday, August 26, 6:30 PM in Room 408 of City Hall.