California Transportation Commission Is Ignoring Complete Streets Law
CTC is pushing to finish SHOPP guidelines before the Complete Streets law goes into effect.
Fresno Is Updating its Active Transportation Plan: Workshops
Residents are asked to provide comments about their safety and accessibility concerns.
Week Without Driving Bonus! Day 6: Nights and Weekends
At the end of the Week Without Driving in Sonoma County we held a community meeting to share our experiences and dream big about the future of alternatives to driving in our community.
Good Riddance to Chevron
In Chevron's absence, California can pursue sustainability goals--locally and globally--even more enthusiastically. It can speed the adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy (which, on a good day, sometimes accounts for more than 100% of the state's energy).
Turn and Face the Strange Ch-ch-changes: Observations and Recommendations from a Week Without Driving
I used my age-appropriate tricycle and quickly discovered that a line on the side of the street is not adequate to let me feel safe riding on a moderately busy street.
Week Without Driving Day 4: Too Much Magic Bus
The Santa Rosa City Bus clearly prioritizes customer care, excellent service, and friendliness.
Week Without Driving Day 3: The SMART Train
Our plan was to take the train to Larkspur and catch the ferry to San Francisco, where we would have lunch and shop at the Ferry Building.
Week Without Driving Day 2: Where the Sidewalk Ends
A week after I bought my house in Santa Rosa I read in the local newspaper that the city was planning to install a flashing crosswalk on Montgomery Drive
Week without Driving Day 1: Adventures on an E-Trike
Our friend Abby takes on the Week Without Driving. Check out her e-trike adventures on Day 1.
Ding! Governor Vetos Bill That Would Have Required Alert for Speeding Drivers
“If the Governor knew what it felt like to wake up each day without your child because of a speeding driver, he wouldn’t have hesitated for a single moment to sign this bill,”