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Call to Action: Sign Petition for a Safer Grand Avenue

Sign this petition to restore the road diet and wide bike lanes on Grand Avenue in Oakland

July 25, 2023

CA Wins Federal Grants to Support Transit in “Areas of Persistent Poverty”

These are competitive grants for planning, engineering, or developing transit service improvements in historically disadvantaged communities.

July 24, 2023

Your City May Be Rethinking Parking Rules

TransForm has a guide to help you advocate for smarter parking policies that can lead to a greater housing supply

July 20, 2023

Commentary: The Bicycle Coalition Needs to Shift Gears on Valencia

The organization's credibility is on the line along with the lives and limbs of people walking and biking on Valencia

July 18, 2023

State-Funded REAP Planning Grants Aim to Support Housing and Less Driving

The grants are referred to as REAP 2.0 because they expand on an existing REAP grant program by looking for ways to integrate housing and climate goals.

July 14, 2023

Daylighting, Sidewalk Riding, and Free Youth Transit Pass Bills Pass Committee Votes

Bill to require transportation planning to consider climate also passes; Bicycle Safety Stop bill withdrawn by its author

July 12, 2023

Commentary: Link 21 to BART 2.0

Transport Oakland wants your help in planning a new and better rapid transit system for the Bay Area

July 12, 2023

Update: UAW and UC Berkeley Agree to Extend BayPass

UC Berkeley and the UAW have come to an agreement that will allow the BayPass transit pilot to continue at the university.

July 11, 2023

U.C. Berkeley Abandoning Bay Pass

Conflict between union and the University of California Berkeley to throw 12,000 student-workers off "Bay Pass" pilot

July 10, 2023

Gas Taxes Are Going Up; What You Are Getting For Your Money?

Not every project funded by S.B. 1 aligns with California's climate goals, but what drivers are paying at the pump is definitely being spent to improve their travel. News media should adapt their headlines accordingly.

July 5, 2023