autonomous vehicles
Is America Ready for the Equity Impacts of the AV Revolution?
As high-profile crashes with driverless cars make headlines, should policymakers be paying attention to the less-discussed impacts of the AV revolution — especially for society's most marginalized?
What the Fall of the Chevron Doctrine Could Mean for Auto Safety
The Supreme Court's overturning of the Chevron doctrine may have deadly consequences for road safety regulations.
Progressive Senators Say: It’s Time for the Feds to Regulate Vehicle Automation
Unfortunately, nobody knows whether automated vehicle technologies are safe — and federal regulators have struggled to stay ahead of the risks that come with innovations.
Four Things I’m Thinking About Transportation in L.A.
Streetsblog's favorite UCLA expert weighs in on Waymo, Cubic, 2028, active transportation funding - and invites you to UCLA Transportation Camp unconference on June 8
How AI Could Transform Transportation — And Not Just Autonomous Vehicles
Artificial intelligence is being installed in cars — but that's not the only place it's showing up. A new report explores what cities need to know about the emerging tech in order to use it well.
What Do ‘Livable’ Streets Look Like in an Era of Driverless Cars?
Does a world of autonomous cars really have to make our streets less human?
AVs Aren’t Solving our Transportation Problems; They’re Automating Them
"Right now, AV-makers would have us believe that all of our transportation concerns will go away if we simply replace human drivers with computers. But we know this is not true."
The Transportation Future of Los Angeles Needs to be Built Around Electric Rail, Not Hydrogen or Autonomous Vehicles
In his L.A. Times commentary “Los Angeles, 2043: An optimistic scenario for transportation”, John Rossant says a few good things about public transit, congestion pricing and renewable energy.