Talking Headways Podcast: Zoning for Vermicelli
Sara Bronin on her book Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World, and why zoning is an opportunity for people to reshape their communities.
Should Communities That Suppress Housing Lose Their Road Funding?
A Colorado bill would require sprawling cities to take action to increase their affordable housing supply before they collect money to build more roads — and some want to take it national.
Austin Becomes the Largest U.S. City to Eliminate Parking Minimums
The Violet Crown City voted to make the change months ago — but now that a revision of the city's byzantine zoning code is finally done, the law will actually go into effect.
What the Defeat of the Minneapolis 2040 Land Use Reform Means for the Rest of America
Minneapolis 2040 has been called America's leading YIMBY success story. Now, it's becoming its greatest tragedy.