Eyes on the Station: Metro Fortified Turnstiles at MacArthur Park Station
Metro fortified turnstile entrances at MacArthur Park in order to curb fare-evading riders; sometimes this has adverse impacts on fare-paying riders
LAPD Officer Punched 60-year-old Black Man in Chest, Collapsed His Lung during December Arrest
Chief Moore told the Police Commission that Earl Roots had been hospitalized "due to a complaint of having asthma."
How Four Black Advocates Are Charting a Path to a More Inclusive Bike Community
Streetsblog talked to four Black bike advocates in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and the Twin Cities to get a snapshot of how they're fighting to overcome challenges and expand the vision for what a Black cycling community could look like.
LAPD Traffic Safety PSA Scolds Pedestrian for Getting Hit by Red Light Runner
Sometimes recycling isn't good for the environment.
How Some Traffic Fines and Fees Can Make Our Roads More Dangerous
A new book explores why America's revenue-focused approach to traffic policing isn't making streets safer, while harming the vulnerable people who get caught in its trap.
LAPD Chief’s Report on Sergeant’s Drive-by Shooting of Unarmed Vet Embraces Falsehoods, Glosses over Recklessness
The drive-by was ruled out of policy. But the findings in the case were neither as critical nor as punitive as they could have been.
Man Dies in LAPD Custody
Unlike the officers who were whisked to the hospital in the name of "meth exposure," 51-year-old Derrick Harden, who may have been experiencing the effects of actual exposure to meth when picked up that same day, was not given medical attention for several hours. He collapsed and died in his cell the next day.