Nithya Raman
L.A. Speed Camera Pilot, Metro Sepulveda Rail, and Crash Not Accident
More reasons to ridicule proposed Metro Sepulveda monorail. L.A. will officially use "crash" or "collision" instead of "accident." And L.A. starts laying the groundwork for a speed camera pilot.
It’s 2023 and L.A. City Is Still Widening Lots of Roads
L.A. City street widening is expensive, and adversely impacts safety, health, climate, air, water, noise, housing, historic preservation, and more
L.A. Looks to Upgrade Forest Lawn Bike Lanes to Protected
LADOT and Councilmember Raman plan to add a mile and a half of plastic bollard protection to existing Forest Lawn Drive bike lanes; the project would reduce the number of car lanes from four to two.