bicycle lanes
Guest Opinion: Metro Should Treat Walk and Bike Projects with the Respect They Deserve
Prioritizing true first mile/last mile infrastructure isn’t somehow optional; it’s how your customers get to and from the transit stations.
Eyes on the Street: Slow Streets in South Pasadena
The city has a sampler platter of quick-build temporary traffic calming installations to experience for the rest of the year
Study: Some Paint-Only Bike Lanes May Increase Crashes
Sharrows and paint don't make anyone feel safe. But are they really worse than nothing at all?
Eyes on the Street: Recently Widened Soto Street Bridge over Valley Blvd
The newly widened Soto Bridge is disappointing from a walking, transit and bicycling perspective - and the city plans more widening on Soto just north of the bridge project
California Sustainable Affordable Housing Grants Awarded to Five Local Projects
Five southern California AHSC grants - four L.A. City and one L.A. County - will bring more than 500 transit-oriented affordable housing units, plus bus, bike, and walk improvements
Culver City Plans Protected Bikeway on Overland Avenue
Culver City's proposed ~2.5 mile Overland bike facility is mostly new protected bike lanes (about a mile and a half), plus about a half-mile of new unprotected bike lanes at the north end, and a short stretch of bike route at the south end
Why Do We Love Cars More Than We Love Our Children?
The county spent $8.9M redoing Huntington Drive and didn't make it safe for bicycling. What if we had given up a lane to create a place for bicycles that is physically separated from all those speeding cars?
Missing Metro Regional Connector First/Last Mile Facilities Worse Than Reported Earlier
Metro and LADOT quietly omitted and downgraded extensive bike and walk improvements approved and funded for Little Tokyo - in addition to omissions at Grand and Broadway stations
Eyes on the Bridge: the Gilman Bike/Ped Overpass
It's going to be great. But do bike and ped projects always have to include more capacity for cars?
Eyes on the Street: Culver City’s New Higuera Street Bridge
Culver's Higuera Street Bridge replacement project widened the bridge including widened sidewalks, plus added a new access ramp to the Ballona Creek path below, new protected bike lanes, and a new mid-bridge belvedere