SGV Connect
Eyes on the Street: Slow Streets in South Pasadena
The city has a sampler platter of quick-build temporary traffic calming installations to experience for the rest of the year
SGV Hikes and Bikes: Ghost Town Ride in City of Industry
Industry’s side streets are pretty dead on weekends, making for miles and miles of relaxed cycling.
SGV Connect 116: Strategic Parking Plan and Safe Parking in Pasadena
This week's focus is parking in Pasadena - including interviews on safe parking for folks residing in cars, and Pasadena's proposed citywide parking plan - featuring parking expert Don Shoup
SGV Connect 115: Connie Tamkin and the SGV Community Land Trust
This podcast covers a lot of information about various land trust models and their place in advocating for and providing housing options in a supply-restricted market, so it's a great primer for someone not well-versed in this issue!
SGV Connect 114: Allison Henry and the SGV Tenants Council
New podcast features Allison Henry, a San Gabriel Valley housing justice organizer with L.A. Forward and co-founder of the San Gabriel Valley Tenants Alliance
Mt. SAC Transit Center Has Lift Off
Mt. San Antonio College’s new transit center is now open to students
New El Monte Bike Lanes Connect to Transit Station and More
El Monte's heavily traveled alternates to Valley Boulevard and Santa Anita Avenue have been re-striped with cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers all in mind
SGV Connect 113 : Regional Connector Opens and Track Construction Finishes on the Gold Line
On Saturday, the Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority will host a ceremony to commemorate the completion of the light rail track system for the 9.1-mile, four-station Foothill Gold Line light rail project from Glendora to Pomona.
SGV Connect 112 : Nathan Allen and Carlos Morales
In our first interview this week, Chris Greenspon interviews Nathan Allen, the owner of Underdog Bookstore, which "targets specifically books by and about authors of color, as well as LGBT authors, who we consider underdogs, as well as local vendors.”