Follow-Up: Oakland Holds Bike Safety Hostage to Peralta Park Fencing Project
Councilperson Nikki Fortunato Bas finds more excuses for the condition of estuary channel path
LAPD Shoots Unarmed Unhoused Man as He Walks Away from Them
The newly released briefing video depicts Robles as non-compliant and claims officer Gomez-Magallanes shot him for pointing a weapon at officers, but body cam footage shows a slightly different story.
Why Jaywalking Reform Is an Unhoused Rights Issue
A stunning 41 percent of jaywalking stops in Washington state involve an unhoused person. And no one knows how bad the problem is in the rest of America.
No City for Old Men: L.A. Police Commission finds lung-collapsing blow to chest of unarmed Black 60-year-old “in policy”
Although Officer Brian Kolke failed to voluntarily report the use of force and prolonged Earl Roots' agony for several hours, he only received a comment card on his personnel file