America Has A New ‘Friendliest’ State for Cycling
...but even the best of the best isn't doing enough to protect people on two wheels, a top advocacy group warns.
New Camera Tech Hopes to Stop Drivers From Close-Passing Cyclists
If only policymakers could fully experience the pervasive problem of drivers passing too closely to cyclists perhaps they'd find a way to stop the deadly practice and get victims justice.
When Journalists Give Even Intentional Traffic Violence a Pass
The driver who killed Paris cycling advocate Paul Varry has been charged with murder — but America's top-selling newspaper seemingly implied that he's a victim of the "war on cars."
How America’s ‘Soft Power’ Is Shaping Mobility Around the World — And How Cities Like Tirana Are Resisting it
The biggest infrastructure we had to fight to fix was the 10 centimeters between our ears — the mentality, the status symbol that the car brought. "
What the U.S. Can Learn From the ‘Bike Mayor’ of Africa, Manuel de Araújo
What can the U.S. learn from developing countries where car dependency hasn't yet taken root — and from the visionary mayors who are fighting to make sure it never does, even in uncertain times?
Eyes on the Street: New San Pedro Front Street Walk/Bike Path
The half mile long landscaped multi-use path extends from Regan Street (essentially under the Vincent Thomas Bridge) to just west of Pacific Avenue
Eyes on the Street: New Modular Curbs on Main Street Protected Bike Lanes
Hopefully these quick-build improvements will prove effective on Main, and can be expanded to other protected bikeways throughout the city
Transit App Now Provides Safety-First Bike Directions
A commuter train, subway and bus app is launching an update to allow users to prioritize safe bike routes.