Roger Rudick
SPUR Talk: Strategies for Post-COVID Downtowns
The world has changed. How must downtowns change with it?
Commentary: Remove the Valencia Center-Running Bike Lane Before More People are Hurt
SFMTA needs to rip this dangerous facility out and put in the approved Dutch-style, side-running bike lanes immediately
OMG Update: Fruitvale Ave Has a Gold-Standard Bike Lane!
Okay, it's obviously not finished, but it sure is nice to see a sidewalk-level protected bike lane
SFMTA’s Hyde Street Project Bike Lane Is Garbage
The info-free outreach and terrible designs display how little SFMTA management really cares about bicycle safety
Hope for Bay Area Transit as State Budget Deal Reached
It's not 100 percent guaranteed yet, but a last-minute deal seems to have restored billions in transit funding that will allow BART, Muni, AC Transit and other agencies to maintain services
Another Cyclist Attacked in Oakland
The passenger "...leaned out a window to intentionally smack me in the head."
San Francisco Finishes Make-Believe Speed Table
"There were a series of design decisions made (many about accessibility) that made it difficult to make the intersection design feel and look sidewalk-level."
Q&A with S.F. Supervisor Myrna Melgar
She rides her bike (and not just for photo ops) and shows up to demand better bike lanes across district boundaries. Streetsblog decided it was time for a talk
Commentary: The Shock of Returning to the Bay Area
For this lifelong advocate for better transit, safe streets, and livable cities, visiting the Netherlands isn't a shock--coming back is.